Suffering from Diabetes? Know your pulse before making diet plans.

Is it possible to maintain normal glucose levels by choosing the right foods? The answer is “Yes.” Effective diabetes management involves consistent daily effort and collaboration with a dedicated team of healthcare professionals. Incorporating Nadifit into your clinical practice or personal routine can help identify the root causes of diabetes and provide personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent health issues globally, with the number of diagnosed individuals increasing rapidly. Alarmingly, it is estimated that half of the people with diabetes are unaware of their condition.

Diabetes according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

There are many reasons for a patient to suffer from Diabetes. However, according to TCM five element (Panchabhuta) theory and yin-yang principle, it is estimated that, maximum number of people who belongs to these two categories are suspected to suffer from diabetes mellitus.

  • Excess dampness retention in Spleen and Stomach
  • Empty Heat in Spleen and Stomach due to stress

Excess dampness retention in Spleen and Stomach: When Spleen and Stomach becomes too much damp or wet, makes digestion weak, then fluids will not properly absorbed and not properly transformed, this creates stagnation in the body, and person often gains weight. This undigested stagnated food (glucose) enters blood thereby increasing blood sugar level.  This condition in TCM is called as Spleen/Stomach yang deficiency.

If spleen and stomach contains sufficient yang (Heat/Fire) energy, then only it will digest your food and convert into Rasa or fluid. Jataragni playing very important role in burning the food. When spleen yang deficiency occurs, due to more damp/wetness in the digestion system jataragni becomes weak.

Did you know?

Many diabetic people complain about urine inconsistency and frequent urination. The reason is because the closing and opening of the urethra depends on yang energy, as spleen dampness increases the same transfers to the urinary bladder which reduces yang energy in urethra resulting uncontrolled urination.

Empty Heat in Spleen and Stomach due to stress: According to TCM, Stomach is called second brain, when person having too much mental stress, an empty heat rises in the Spleen/stomach which intern affects insulin producing cells in the pancreas thereby rising glucose level in the body. The empty heat also increases blood viscosity, resulting in blood stasis, as well as blockage of sinews and channels, hence many diabetic people complain about tiredness and weakness. Due to empty heat, person may often loses weight.

Did you know?

Many diabetic patients says sugar level reduced because of walking, the reason is because spleen and stomach meridian present on both legs which in turn increases digestion metabolism.


Diabetes can arise from various factors, such as excess dampness retention or empty heat induced by stress. However, other factors may also contribute to the condition. Notably, dietary and lifestyle recommendations differ significantly between these cases. For individuals with excess dampness, the focus is on elevating yang energy. Conversely, for those with empty heat, the emphasis is on nurturing yin energy.

Understanding one’s body constitution is crucial before devising a suitable diet plan for managing diabetes. Nadifit recognizes this diversity and advocates for drugless therapies, including acupressure, acupuncture, color therapy, and auricular therapy. These holistic approaches have proven benefits in effectively managing blood sugar levels. For deeper insights and personalized recommendations, explore your pulse using Nadifit.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.



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