Suffering from Hair fall, Dandruff, white hair? Treat the root cause by knowing your pulse.

Know a days, hair problems has become common problem for almost everyone from younger to old age people, problems includes falling of hairs, dandruff, hair thinning, dry and brittle hair, premature greying of hair etc, According to traditional science, The development of the head and hair depends largely on the state of the Kidneys and Liver. The Kidneys are responsible for bone strength and development, which determines the structure of the head, and they govern the Marrow, which determines the normal development of the brain. Both Kidneys and Liver influence the growth of hair and therefore its normal growth, color and consistency depend on the Liver and Kidneys.

Liver and Kidney fire: The term “falling out” refers to a gradual loss of hair, or to its slow growth, or to excessively thin hair. The growth and the thickness of the hair depend largely on the state of the Liver and Kidneys and specifically on Liver-Blood and Kidney-Essence. Blood and Essence are yin element they are very much essential to cool the body. When Liver blood deficiency occurs there rises a Liver heat/fire or vice versa, similarly if kidney-Essence become deficient there rises a kidney heat/fire or vice versa. The nature of heat or fire is upward momentum and fire can change shape of any object. So, liver or kidney heat rises up to the head and causes the hair to fall out by drying out the hair follicles.

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People who suffer from hair fall, they may also suffer from acidity, chest burning, thyroid issues (especially hyperthyroid), eye burning and headache. The reason is because upward momentum of liver or kidney fire creates burning sensation along the path.

Loss of hair frequently occurs after a serious disease that is either acute or chronic and lingering. Of course there may also be external causes of hair loss and an example of these is the loss occurring after a course of chemotherapy.

In some cases, baldness can occur in young people. If a young person shows no sign of Liver and/or Kidney deficiency and has a strong body, this means that the baldness is a hereditary trait and has no clinical significance.

 Did you know?

People with more Pitta (Liver fire) predominant are more prone to hair fall, baldness, hair thinning, split hair etc.

The most common cause of premature greying of the hair is also because of deficiency of Liver-Blood and/or Kidney-Essence which fail to nourish the hair properly; another cause is a general Qi and Blood deficiency. The most common cause of dandruff is also due to deficient Liver-Blood and fails to nourish the scalp.

Premature greying of the hair in a young person who has a strong body and is in good health is purely hereditary and has no clinical significance.

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People who suffer from Alopecia, the possible reasons may be due to

  • Qi deficiency which makes deficiency of blood and other nutrition, which intern prevents new Blood from nourishing the hair. (Nutritional deficiency).
  • Fire/Heat blazing makes Blood Heat (usually deriving from Liver-Fire) which dries out the hair follicles resulting in sudden hair loss. (Excess heat/Pitta).

The above two causes need different life style and treatment recommendations. Hence checking pulse is very important.

Diagnosis using Nadifit

Empty heat or Fire in liver /stomach/kidney are one of the reason blood, essence and fluids deficiency which intern causes hair problems. In these cases treatment, food and life style corrections are required to nourish blood and essence there by reducing empty heat/fire.

Graph shows empty heat in liver/stomach/kidney, which may lead to reduction of fluids in the body. Sedating the heat/fire and recommending food and lifestyle corrections, one can able to overcome hair problems.

Did you know?                            

Most of the people use shampoo and conditioners for hair problems but won’t get solution, since the root cause for hair fall, hair thinning and hair dry are because of the empty heat/pitta/fire, the moment you reduce the heat then your hair dry, dandruff and hair fall will automatically come down.

Case study

A 32 year old male had suffering from hair fall and white hairs from 6 months. Along with that he was also complaining about disturbed sleep, low back pain and weight loss. Recently he got operated due to gall bladder stones.

Diagnosis: After checking his pulse using Nadifit, it is identified that empty heat in kidney/bladder and liver/gallbladder. Kidney nourishes bones but when kidney fire rises the fluids near the joints dries up causing severe pain such as low back pain, joints pain, knee pain etc. Sleep is very much essential for our body to rejuvenate but if kidney heat rises which intern disturbs heart fire making sleep disturbed. To gain weight dampness is required, but due to empty heat which dries fluids then person often lose weight, fluid dryness can also form stone formation in the body.

Solution: According to Nadifit, his fire levels in kidney and liver should be reduced. He should eat foods which increases yin and reduces heat in the body. Specific Acupuncture and Acupressure points and other drugless therapies can also help to overcome his problem. To get personalized health suggestions and drugless treatment protocols check your pulse using Nadifit.


Many individuals frequently experience multiple symptoms indicating an energy imbalance in a particular organ. For instance, someone dealing with acidity due to spleen/stomach energy imbalance may also encounter issues like hair fall, anger, eye burning, back pain, and joint pain. Similarly, an individual with fatty liver resulting from Liver/Gallbladder energy imbalance may exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, procrastination, and drowsiness. Checking the nadi offers precise insights into our body and the underlying causes of these problems. For a more in-depth understanding, explore your pulse using Nadifit.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.

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