Case Study: The Importance of Checking Pulse Using Nadifit for Analyzing Root Causes of Diseases


The traditional methods of pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha in Ayurveda and pulse diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM) are crucial for understanding the root cause of various ailments. Nadifit, an advanced pulse diagnosis tool, utilizes these ancient principles with modern technology to provide precise insights into a patient’s health. This case study examines two women with similar symptoms—PCOD, irregular periods, hair fall, and weakness—but different underlying causes as revealed by Nadifit pulse diagnosis.

Case 1: 25-Year-Old Woman


* Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

* Delayed menses

* Irregular periods

* Hair fall

* Feeling of weakness

Nadifit Report Analysis

* TCM Diagnosis: Liver Fire Blazing

* Ayurveda Diagnosis: Liver Pitta


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver plays a crucial role in storing blood and regulating the flow of Qi (vital energy). When the liver is afflicted by excess heat (Liver Fire), it leads to a depletion of the blood. Blood deficiency, in turn, fails to nourish the gynecological organs adequately, causing menstrual irregularities and associated symptoms.

In Ayurveda, the liver is associated with Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and transformation in the body. An imbalance in Pitta (Liver Pitta) results in increased internal heat, leading to similar issues of blood deficiency and menstrual disorders.

Treatment Plan

* Diet: Incorporate cooling foods like cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens. Avoid spicy, oily, and fried foods.

* Lifestyle: Encourage stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation.

* Acupuncture and Therapies: Acupuncture points targeting the liver channel can help to clear heat and nourish blood.

Case 2: 30-Year-Old Woman


* Irregular periods

* Feeling of weakness


Nadifit Report Analysis

* TCM Diagnosis: Liver Qi Stagnation

* Ayurveda Diagnosis: Vata-Kapha Imbalance


In TCM, Liver Qi Stagnation refers to the impaired flow of energy, leading to blockages that affect the body’s ability to function optimally. This stagnation can disrupt the flow of Qi to the gynecological organs, resulting in menstrual irregularities and associated symptoms.

In Ayurveda, a combination of Vata (movement and flow) and Kapha (structure and stability) dosha imbalances can create stagnation and obstruct the free flow of Prana (life force). This imbalance hampers the nourishment of reproductive organs, leading to similar menstrual issues.

Treatment Plan

* Diet: Include warm, easy-to-digest foods like soups, stews, and spices such as ginger and cumin to stimulate digestion and movement.

* Lifestyle: Engage in regular physical activity like brisk walking or gentle yoga to promote circulation and energy flow.

* Acupuncture and Therapies: Focus on acupuncture points that facilitate the movement of Qi, such as those along the liver and gallbladder meridians.

Comparative Analysis

Despite the similarity in symptoms, the Nadifit reports reveal distinct underlying causes:

* Case 1: Liver Fire Blazing (Liver Pitta) suggests an excess heat condition, leading to blood deficiency.

* Case 2: Liver Qi Stagnation (Vata-Kapha) indicates a blockage or stagnation in the flow of energy and blood.


This case study highlights the importance of using pulse diagnosis tools like Nadifit to uncover the root causes of health issues. While the symptoms in both cases appear similar, the underlying causes are different, necessitating tailored treatment approaches. For Case 1, cooling and nourishing the blood is essential, whereas for Case 2, clearing stagnation and promoting free flow of Qi is crucial. Such precise diagnosis and personalized treatment ensure more effective and holistic management of health conditions.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.

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