Nadifit: Women Health. Pulse diagnosis to know about fibroids and ovarian cyst

According to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), in our body spleen is considered to be the principal organ of digestion. It transforms food into nourishment and transports nourishment and fluid throughout the body. The spleen also is thought to govern blood and hold blood inside its proper vessels. A deficient spleen will not be able to transform food fully into nutrients and energy, and the remaining liquids and solids will accumulate and form dampness.

According to TCM, the pathophysiology of uterine fibroids is as follows: Deficient spleen energy allows dampness to accumulate. The dampness stagnates and becomes phlegm, which congeals into a tumor in the uterus, known as a uterine fibroid or leiomyoma.

The women suffering from uterine fibroids or stagnation may have the following organ patterns which derived from their pulse.

Spleen/Stomach and Kidney/bladder Yang deficiency:  When Spleen and Stomach becomes too much wet or too much kapha/cold, then fluids will not properly absorbed and not properly transformed, this creates stagnation in the body. This stagnated fluids will cause lump, fibroids and tumor formation.

Did you know?

Many women who suffers from uterine fibroids, may also suffering from lack of quality in the eggs, dampness in the uterus, PCOD problems, fallopian blockage, ovarian cyst, delayed in menus and white discharge. The reason may be because of spleen/stomach dampness. We need to strengthen the digestive system in both male and female in order to overcome infertility issues.


Did you know?

Due to Stomach and Kidney yang deficiency many men suffering from premature ejaculation, impotence, lower sperm motility and fertility related issues. Without eradicating the yang deficiency you cannot give any good results for male infertility.

Liver Qi Stagnation/deficiency: Liver is responsible for momentum, If Qi flows normally and the emotional life is happy. If this function is impaired, the circulation of Qi is obstructed, Qi becomes restrained giving rise to stagnation of blood and fluids hence unable to nourish gynaec organs, resulting in the formation of fibroids.


Case study:

A young couple came with the problem of infertility. She was 32, had never been pregnant before, and was diagnosed as having polycystic ovaries, with irregular menstrual bleeding about four times a year. He was 35, obese and had a low sperm count. They had been trying for eight years to have a child. Having tried various therapies without success.

Diagnosis: Upon pulse analysis using Nadifit, it was revealed that she was experiencing liver Qi stagnation, while her husband was identified with yang deficiency. Liver responsible for storing blood, in her case, was affected by Qi stagnation, causing improper circulation of body fluids (including blood). This impairment resulted in inadequate nourishment of gynecological organs, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. Additionally, the stagnation may contribute to the formation of ovarian cysts. On the other hand, in her husband’s case, yang deficiency was identified, contributing to low sperm count and reduced sperm motility, ultimately leading to male infertility.

Solution: As indicated by Nadifit, her recommended treatment involves addressing and clearing the stagnation in her body. In contrast, he is advised to undergo treatment aimed at elevating yang energy within his body. Given that yang deficiency is a chronic condition, it is crucial for him to adhere to a strict dietary plans and engage in regular physical exercise to effectively counter it. Additionally, specific acupuncture and acupressure treatments are suggested as complementary measures to help overcome their respective health issues. This holistic approach, considering both lifestyle adjustments and targeted therapies, can contribute to a more comprehensive and sustainable improvement in their well-being.


The formation of cysts or lumps in the body is attributed to the retention of stagnation. Stagnation can arise from the weakened functional energy of various organs such as the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, or Lungs etc. By employing nadipariksha to assess the energy levels of these organs, comprehensive details and reasons for the cause can be obtained. Customized diet plans and holistic treatments can then be devised to restore balance to the energy levels of these organs. Holistic approaches have demonstrated significant benefits in effectively managing overall body energy levels. For a more understanding, explore your pulse using Nadifit.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.

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