Stop these 5 foods if your child is suffering from cold, cough or throat infection

If your child is suffering from cold and cough, it’s essential to provide them with nourishing foods that support their immune system and help alleviate their symptoms. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, certain foods are believed to exacerbate cold and cough symptoms and should be avoided during illness.

Here are some common foods to avoid according to these holistic healing systems:

1. Dairy Products: Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are believed to increase mucus production and congestion, worsening cold and cough symptoms. These foods can also be difficult to digest for some individuals, further compromising the body’s ability to fight off infections.

Did you know?                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Milk is very hard to digest and it will weakens digestive system. According to traditional science the undigested food converts as phlegm and stores in lungs which increases mucus or phlegm accumulation. 

2. Cold and Raw Foods: In TCM, cold and raw foods are thought to impair digestion and weaken the digestive fire, making it harder for the body to combat illness. Similarly, Ayurveda recommends avoiding cold foods and beverages during cold and cough as they can aggravate the imbalance of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and lead to further discomfort.

3. Fruits:Ancient science suggests that fruits are predominantly of the kapha type. It’s advisable to refrain from giving fruits to your child when they have a cold or cough since these fruits contain sucrose, which can lead to moisture accumulation, thereby promoting bacterial growth.

4. Sugary Foods: Foods high in refined sugars, such as candies, pastries, and sugary beverages, can weaken the immune system and exacerbate inflammation, making it harder for the body to recover from illness. TCM and Ayurveda both emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced and nourishing diet, especially during times of illness.

5. Fried and Greasy Foods: Fried and greasy foods are heavy and difficult to digest, which can further burden the body when it is already weakened by cold and cough. According to TCM and Ayurveda, these foods can also increase the accumulation of mucus and dampness in the body, prolonging symptoms and delaying recovery.

Instead of these foods, focus on nourishing your child with warm, easily digestible meals that support their immune system and help alleviate their symptoms. Incorporate healing spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, and cinnamon into their meals, and encourage them to stay hydrated with warm herbal teas and broths. Additionally, make sure they get plenty of rest and avoid exposure to cold drafts and environments.

Heal with drug-less therapies.

You can also treat your child with Acupressure therapy by rubbing or putting garlic and ginger paste on both the hands exactly on lungs reflex point. (See acupressure hand lung reflexology point here).

By following these recommendations and avoiding aggravating foods, you can help your child recover from cold and cough more quickly and comfortably.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.

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