Suffering from Kidney stones? Check how Nadifit diagnosis your pulse to predict formation of kidney stones?

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form in the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract. Salt and minerals can crystallize when urine reaches a certain level of concentration.

Often, kidney stones form when there are calcium oxalate crystals in urine. Calcium levels can be high because of eating too much sodium.

The ureters are the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. If a kidney stone moves into a ureter and becomes lodged there, it can cause left lower back pain or right lower back pain. This is known as “passing a kidney stone.”

Kidney stones are very common, and many people go to the ER when they are experiencing severe lower back pain on one side and peeing blood. This happens when one or more kidney stones find their way into one of the ureters and become lodged there. This blocks the flow of urine and can cause severe pain and cramping.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones form when there is not enough urine, and it becomes too concentrated. This often is due to not drinking enough fluids and getting dehydrated. Other kidney stone causes include:

  • Not drinking enough water, dehydration
  • Too much salt
  • Too much sugar, fructose, or high fructose corn syrup
  • Too much meat, too few fruits and vegetables
  • Lack of exercise or too much exercise
  • weight loss surgery, bariatric surgery, which can cause chronic diarrhea
  • Infections, UTIs
  • Type 2 Diabetes, high blood sugar levels
  • Too much Stress, too much mental work, multitasking.
  • Not taking rest, sleepless nights.
  • Emotionally disturbed, too much thinking.

According to Traditional science

According to TCM five element (Panchabhuta) theory and yin-yang principle, it is estimated that, maximum number of people who belongs to these two categories are suspected to suffer from kidney stones or gallbladder stones or any stone formation in the body.

  • First: Person suffering from Damp Heat
  • Second: Person suffering from Empty Heat

Damp Heat: Dampness is sticky, it slows things down and person having dampness feels heaviness, feeling of tiredness, and heaviness of limbs or head. The excess dampness can lead to accumulation of phlegm. When heat rises in the body (low fluid intake, Excess physical work, restless mind, sleepless nights etc. rises heat in the body) which reduces body fluids and resulting in dried phlegm. Gall bladder or kidney stones are considered as a form of Phlegm, arising from the ‘steaming and brewing’ of Phlegm by Heat over a long period of time.

Below Graph shows, Pulse is taken for a patient suffering from kidney stones. It can be clearly interpreted as Damp heat in Spleen/Stomach and kidney/Urinary bladder. Just by reducing the damp heat one can stop recurrent formation of stones.

Empty Heat: Empty heat reduces the fluid levels in the body results in yin-deficiency. Often person suffering from empty heat will be thin and struggle to gain weight. For over a long period of time this empty heat consumes body fluids resulting in dried phlegm stagnation which leads to formation of stones.

Did you know?

Many People who complain about kidney stones may also complain about disturbed sleep or sleepless nights, low back pain, weight loss, knee or joints pain, hair fall, blood pressure variations etc. The main reason is because of empty heat in kidney/bladder. Reducing this heat in kidney helps to overcome the above problems.

Below Graph shows, Pulse is taken for a patient suffering from kidney stones and high blood pressure. It can be clearly interpreted as empty heat in Spleen/Stomach and kidney/Urinary bladder (Kidney yin deficiency). Just by reducing the empty heat one can stop recurrent formation of stones.

Case study:

A 30 year old software engineer had been working overnight and could not get sleep till 2am. He was also complaining about stomach burning, chest burning and low back pain. After few months, he got severe pain at left side lower abdomen due to kidney stones. He went for operation to remove stones. After a year his hair started falling and again he got stones formed in kidneys.

Diagnosis: After checking his pulse using Nadifit, it is identified that empty heat in stomach and kidney/bladder. (Stomach and Kidney yin deficiency).Empty heat in stomach creating stomach burning and chest burning sensation due to more gastric juice secretion. Empty heat in kidney and bladder evaporates fluids resulting in stone formation. Sleep is very much essential to rejuvenate our body, but here his mind is running till 2am which is creating heat. Further, bladder heat makes hair to fall and further, he is also getting severe pain along bladder meridian (Example low back pain).

Solution: According to Nadifit, empty heat in his body should be reduced. Yin deficiency or empty heat, it is a chronic condition. To overcome this one has to strictly follow recurrent treatment and diet suggestions. He has to rest his body and mind. His diet suggestions should include foods which cools body and he should stop eating foods which creates heat. Specific acupuncture and acupressure treatment can diminishes empty heat there by preventing recurrent kidney stone formation.


Individuals often experience recurring formation of kidney stones, even after undergoing multiple surgeries. The root causes of kidney or gallbladder stone formation can vary, and checking the nadi offers precise insights into these reasons. Understanding one’s body constitution and formulating appropriate diet plans, coupled with drugless therapies, presents a sustainable and lasting solution. These therapies, with proven benefits, effectively manage conditions involving kidney stones, gallbladder stones, or any other stone formation within the body. To dive into a more profound understanding, explore your pulse using Nadifit.

-Written by Division of Research and Development, Neubotz Technologies, for Nadifit.

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